So that there Would Be No War

931.01People ask: if the Creator is kind and merciful, how could He allow such a catastrophe that occurred on October 7th?

It is known that everything happens under the governance of the upper force, but the Creator does not take into account physical bodies, and there are times when He allows a criminal to kill. But how can we attract mercy from above so that such a crime will never happen again?

With this suffering and pain, the Creator shows where we really lack correction. And correction is necessary only in the connection between us and nowhere else. We do not want there to be a war? Let’s unite, and there will be no war! We do not want people to die? Let’s unite, and there will be no lives lost!

The main thing is the connection, the closeness between us. We need to feel this law with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul. There is nothing else to do—just get closer to each other.

And in this closeness, we must reveal the mutual guarantee that all Israel are guarantors for each other. And if someone acts badly and leads to separation, then it is not he who is to blame, but all of us.

And this is so opposite to our egoism that wants to fence itself off from everyone in order to feel calm and righteous as if it had nothing to do with anything. But in fact, each of us must realize that it is he who is responsible and to be blamed for everything that is happening in the world.

For such a connection, mutual support is necessary, “he helped everyone his friend” to open their hearts. Everyone needs to obligate everyone to reach an understanding that correction can only be universal, mutual, and all together to the Creator. Life will put pressure on us until it forces us to fully unite in order to set an example and show the way to all other nations.

But we first need to show each other which way to go forward. And here everyone should feel that he alone is responsible in front of the Creator for the whole world and is obliged to pull the whole world to the Creator. This is the necessary condition; everyone must have at least a minimal correction and thus  pull the world forward, toward the Creator, toward unity.

And if this does not happen, then we will simply die out like dinosaurs, and the planet Earth will end its existence. Therefore, we must try by all means to soften our hearts so that we understand that only in the unification of hearts is the salvation for all mankind.

Now is the time for our nation to open their hearts to love and not settle scores with each other, but on the contrary, to rise above all differences and move toward peace in the world together. Let’s open our hearts and try to feel the Creator inside them, and see how beneficially this will affect the whole world.

Such is the law of the world that there will be no peace anywhere until there is peace between us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/27/23, Writings of Rabash “Man Is Rewarded with Righteousness and Peace through the Torah“

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