Attain HaVaYaH

263The four phases in the desire are the four letters HaVaYaH, which are KHB TM (Keter, Hochma, Bina, Tifferet, Malchut)” (Baal HaSulam, Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES). Vol. 1. Part 1. “Inner Observation”).

Question: How do Kabbalists attain HaVaYaH? Do they attain it as something whole, including all the elements, or in parts?

Answer: HaVaYaH is a system that starts from the Creator and ends in the depths of creation. Kabbalists attain it as something complete.

We study the desire that changes under the influence of the Creator. In other words, we learn how the Creator influences the desire until He brings it to the best state.

Attainment of HaVaYaH begins with the Kabbalist dissolving into it, if I may say. He understands that everything in him is created by the Creator or received from the Creator, and there is nothing from himself.

Question: If so, how does he reveal the entire structure of the development of the desire, from the Creator to the creation?

Answer: The Creator shows him how opposite to the upper light he was created, and in these two opposites, he attains the entire creation. The Creator does not need darkness and light, but man needs them to pass through all the intermediate phases between him and the Creator. That is how his spiritual development occurs.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)”

Related Material:
HaVaYaH – The Structure Of Our Desires
HaVaYaH—The System Of All Parts Of The Universe
The Program Of Development Coded “HaVaYaH”

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