How Can We See the Creator’s Actions?

934Question: Every desire revealed in us is preceded by four discernments of the direct light. How can we reveal this to see the Creator’s actions behind all our desires?

Answer: Only in our connection with each other can we reveal the system of unity, along which the light passes through all our friends onto each of us.

The light must pass through them, reveal itself in each of them, and then you, who are at the last degree, will also be able to reveal it. Friends stand above you because they are higher than you, and they are the degrees by which the light descends to you, from above to below.

Question: How do we connect with them in order to rise from below?

Answer: You have to help them, add your desires to them, your Hisaron, your pressure. And then, by this, you will push them up, rise with them, and receive the light you evoke in them.

This system is the ten Sefirot in which each of us works from Malchut to Keter, where Keter is the Creator and the intermediate degrees between Keter and Malchut are all your friends.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/10/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Study of the Ten Sefirot, (TES)”

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