Targeted Gifts

566.01Question: I really like to give gifts, but at the same time I know that somewhere subconsciously I expect a reaction. How can I do it without expecting a reward?

Answer: You do not need to do anything for free. You want to give gifts to everyone and to the Creator in order to achieve a common state of love and connection with everyone. At the same time, you really want to feel this state, and for everyone to participate in it.

Question: If a friend gives a gift unconsciously, then in addition to the feeling of love, there is also a shame for a friend. Why is this given?

Answer: This is an indicator that your hearts are not yet fully open to each other. It is necessary to open them more, and then you will not be ashamed of any relationship between you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson on “Giving a gift to the Creator” 8/13/23

Related Material:
Gift for a Kabbalist
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