Take a Loan from the Creator

562.02Question: Can a person take a loan from the Creator, and how does this affect corporeal life?

Answer: It is said: “Turn to Me, and I will give it to you.” We can receive from the Creator everything that is possible from the Creator. He will give us everything we ask for. We do not have to worry about how to return it to Him, and in time we will be able to do that as well.

But to ask the Creator to give us the power of reason, physical strength, and the strength of feelings, so that we can work, advance, and overcome our nature, is what we must do. In this case, we should have no shame.

Question: What is the difference between asking for a loan or finding work for the Creator and earning?

Answer: The difference is how I feel about the Creator, either I ask Him to give me something that I do not deserve as a loan, but then I will return it to Him, or I ask for help, and then I do not need to return it. It depends on my relationship with the Creator, on my inner feelings, and where I am.

Question: How should I ask in order to receive a Kli of bestowal on credit?

Answer: Just ask. There is no special prayer here, you just have to ask in your own words.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/14/23, “All my bones shall say”

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