Symphony of Hearts

934Question: How can we harmoniously enter the symphony of hearts?

Answer: You should be connected with your friends in the ten and try to complement each other all the time so that you can feel and understand each other’s hearts. And then you will feel how mutually connected you are and that the Creator is playing on your common heart.

The Creator is like a bow of a violin, and we are like strings. Try to develop your connection so that the melody of the relationship between you and between you and the Creator is played all the time.

Question: If everyone’s heart is a musical instrument, do we play like an orchestra or are we all a single instrument?

Answer: We are either one instrument that includes absolutely everything or a multitude of instruments playing like an orchestra. But it does not matter. The main thing is that there should be consistency between us.

Over time, we will learn and feel how all nature plays—birds, animals, people, fish, no matter who and what—everyone is included in this game, and everyone eventually praises the Creator.

Question: How can we become a bow in the ten? Sometimes when I play, I feel that it causes rejection in others.

Answer: The main thing is to hold hands together and move forward. One word and another that you all understand together, and advance this way.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/14/23, “All my bones shall say”

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