To Expand the Feelings

549.02Question: Surely you saw your teacher Rabash in all sorts of states, including descents. The person who explained spiritual laws and principles to you, in a state of descent, might be completely opposite, might contradict himself. What was your attitude to this?

Answer: Do not be naive. What contradictory states are you talking about? A descent is a state in which you switch off in order to gain new ballast and rise with it. Of course, such states are very, very sharp. A person disconnects from the world, from his own essence, from the mind. He is plunged into severe internal upheavals, but he passes it all.

I cannot say anything about such conditions. It is impossible to convey them, just as you cannot convey to a child your feelings from a symphony, for example. He does not yet have the appropriate feelings; he has not gone through all sorts of ups, downs, worries, sufferings, or feelings of joy. He is not yet flexible inside; his feelings are not yet expanded.

It is the same with a person in our world compared to a Kabbalist. Therefore we need to work on how to expand people’s feelings and to reveal them, then they will begin to perceive the fulfillment that exists in our world—the force, the field in which we exist and that holds all matter.

This is the result of Kabbalistic or integral education.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Confidentially” 10/12/13

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