Two Forces of the Screen

232.05In item 18 of the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” Baal HaSulam writes that two forces must always be distinguished in the screen: hardness and coarseness (Aviut).

Hardness is the reluctance of the screen to let the light pass through, i.e., the reflective force, the force of striking opposing the penetration of the light into itself.

Aviut is the ability of the screen to absorb the light and build systems inside itself similar to it. Thanks to this ability, the screen can calculate how much it can connect with the light, absorb it, and transform under the influence of the light.

The greater the coarseness of the screen—the reflectivity of not receiving the light—the more Aviut it can use to receive the light and transform it from bestowing to receiving.

Question: Can I give an example? If I can use several billion dollars for the sake of society, this means that I have a large Aviut, and naturally, a strong reflection, that is, hardness.

And if I use only a few million of these billions, it is only because I cannot use the rest since I will steal for myself.

Answer: Generally, yes.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

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