Questions about Spiritual Work—13

549.01It also feels others and can therefore care for them and complement them by feeling and regretting with the public, and being able to rejoice in the comfort of the public (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 115, “Still, Vegetative, Animate, and Speaking”).

Question: How can we work with this correctly in order to rejoice in the comfort of the public?

Answer: If a person tries to put all his strength into being together with the friends as one, then everything that happens to him he feels as the correct progress.

Question: Can we feel the spiritual sufferings of the world and try to fulfill them?

Answer: No. Either we feel only our own spiritual suffering or that of those people with whom we are connected, or the suffering of the Creator, which is called the suffering of the Shechina.

Question: Can a person suppress the animal instincts of self-preservation and procreation in order to serve the Creator and the friends?

Answer: He does not have to do this, not in anway.

Question: What is this action of raising a friend to the level of the Creator?

Answer: So that he is as important to you as the Creator.

Question: Which egoism is worse and more destructive: animalistic or spiritual?

Answer: Spiritual. It is the most difficult, heavy, and harmful egoism.

Question: Is it possible to come to an identical feeling of what a friend feels and merge with his inner feelings?

Answer: You will be feeling your feelings, and your friend will be feeling his.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/16/23, “To Come to Feel Others”

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