Melt the Heart of a Friend

514.02Question: How does our rational calculation around a gift turn into a feeling of love?

Answer: It is necessary to repeatedly give to a friend until you pierce his heart’s sac, in which the heart is located, and he will feel that you penetrate his inner feelings. By doing this, you will cause a reaction in your friend, even if he initially did not want it. And then you will see that he begins to treat you warmly.

This is the law, this is how we were created.

Question: There is a state when there is no strength to make a gift. Do we have to wait for the right moment, or can we make some effort?

Answer: Even if there are no such feelings, you need to try and give each other examples.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/13/23, “Giving a gift to the Creator”

Related Material:
Gift for a Kabbalist
Demonstration Of Love
Learn To Make Each Other Happy

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