New Life 85 – A Talk On Emergency Situations, Part 2


New Life 85 – A Talk On Emergency Situations, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz Oct 17, 2012

In what way will the people of Israel be able to come to the understanding that connection is the solution to everything? How does the wisdom of Kabbalah bring people to this understanding? How will the rest of the world eventually join them?

If the people of Israel were in an existential threat from other countries that are against them, would people lose hope? The fear is that no one would have a plan for going forward. There is also concern about economic threats, that there won’t be enough food or resources.

Let’s hope that we are able to sweeten these threats. It’s enough for us to know that we have to start changing. We need to go out openly in our advocacy regarding the destiny of the nation of Israel and its role in the correction of human evil. We have reached the point where this needs to actually take place, where we actually discover the higher idea and the higher purpose of unity with the upper force.

The wisdom of Kabbalah, previously hidden, is now opening up to correct our nature. All of humanity can come from hatred toward love, know the bounty of unity, and rise above this general crisis to reach the next degree of our existence. We need to unite and wish to discover Him between us. It’s time to finally perform the exodus from Egypt toward spiritual leadership where we activate the spiritual force. If we activate the upper force, no one can oppose us. All the hearts of the rulers of the world will turn in our favor and they will join us joyfully and embrace us as the cause of good and salvation to the entire world.

The abundance that will flow between us will also flow to the nations of the world. Unity and connection, “love your neighbor as yourself,” will give us the good connection to the upper force. It needs to go from a slogan into practical expression in the world.

Abraham was the first person to discover the one force that rules all of reality, the first to discover Kabbalah, the wisdom of connection, the upper force, the reforming light, the internality of the Torah. He tried to discover how to reveal it. Externality is the customs and laws that a person keeps. Internality is wanting to correct his nature, his evil inclination. This is what Kabbalah provides. Our real purpose in life is to change our internality. The time has come for everyone to come to the internality of the Torah.

Abraham taught all of this to his students, which is how the wisdom of Kabbalah began. To understand that there is one force influences one’s experience of the world and brings spiritual laws into actualization in our lives. The force of love organizes opposing forces; it knows how to connect and unite all the different forces in balance and harmony. The world is integral, one whole, organized by the upper force. Opposite forces always complete each other; they must be connected through this upper force, the force of love. We must discover this force of love.

We see through science that everything is interconnected, that there is a “software” inside the system that connects everything above all opposition. Where is the one force that unifies everything? It’s only the force of love, not corporeal love, but the force of connection and unity that brings everything into harmony.

All over the world, we have reached desperation. The trouble will open the ears of the public to be receptive to such solutions, to see that we are currently not connected in the right way. When we begin to use the Torah to unite between us in the light that reforms, then we won’t need breakings anymore.

Are we able to absorb the solutions that are proposed?

We can tell the public about this in a series of talks and different activities, as simply as possible, perhaps not using the examples of history of Abraham and the exodus from Egypt, but rather through modern sciences and its proofs.

From KabTV’s “New Life 83 – A Talk On Emergency Situations” 10/15/12
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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