New Life 255 – Relationships With Neighbors

New Life 255 – Relationships With Neighbors
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

Why are there many conflicts between neighbors? Can we learn to live together by changing our attitude to one of goodwill?

My neighbor is basically “inside my house” with his noise, his smells, his music, etc.

When one makes good connections with neighbors, everyone benefits. It’s hard to tolerate neighbors because there is no buffer between us. They are as if “under my skin.” If my daughter makes noise, I may be fine with that. But next door ?! If we can break the walls of our heart and feel closer, there will be fewer problems with the neighbors.

In neighborly relations, there is no point in trying to determine who is right and who is not, but only to build good relationships. You can create a sense of paradise inside the building—a cloud of calm, confidence, and warmth.

A series of events to foster good relations between neighbors could be scheduled. Neighbors might start with a connection workshop to talk about the good things and the good people in our building. A shared sense of “home” can bring a person security and warmth that he will never achieve in his private apartment.

This could be followed with a good neighbors workshop: In a circle, each one expresses good things about the other, even if they don’t know each other. When I have a good thought about them, it already makes me feel better in the building. This workshop could include an exercise: During the week, write in a few sentences what you went through with the neighbors in the building. At the end of the week, everyone briefly describes what living in our shared home this week felt like.
From KabTV’s “New Life 255 – Relationships With Neighbors,” 11/17/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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