
600.02Question: How can we explain the advantage of sensory transmission of information from person to person?

Answer: There is no way to explain it because people will not be able to work with this anyway.

Now everyone remembers how in 1997 scientists received a Nobel Prize for developing a theory about the absence of the probability of an economic crisis, as a result of which a society of unlimited consumption can develop endlessly.

How can this be if natural resources are being exhausted, if pollution reaches such magnitudes that it buries us under garbage in this huge earth dump? How can one write that a society of unlimited consumption can develop endlessly and all people on earth, absolutely everyone, will be able to reach unlimited opportunities, and unlimited success? From where?

I was surprised by this view of the world when I visited Disney World’s Epcot Center for the first time 30 years ago. Epcot Center is a round building, which you enter by a little train and you are shown the entire history of humanity from the past, present, up to the future. The future is represented by the fact that everyone has a helicopter, walls of houses are covered with televisions, etc. That is, everything is so fancy. They placed a person in a state from which he cannot get out. What a future!

Egoism blinds us so much that we invent such theories and give Nobel Prizes for them, believing that there will be no end to our development, although long before that the Club of Rome and other scientists said that everything ends.

Why do we award such economists the Nobel Prize? Because we want it to be so. Can you imagine what a self-deception this is?! What can we come to? How can we explain to a person that there are other technologies if people cannot change themselves?

Comment: But you say that in the end, they have to come to it anyway.

My Response: I think that nowadays it is just getting to the point of personal and common internal correction in order to reveal inside ourselves the next level of the universe, the spiritual state. Then this world will involuntarily disappear from our perception. As soon as we begin to feel spiritual qualities, forces, and systems inside ourselves, we will stop seeing this world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Consumer Society” 6/27/11

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