From Instinctive to Conscious Changes

229Until now, a person has been undergoing internal transformations instinctively. Nature has been changing us, and we have been changing the world according to our needs. Today we are the ones who must change ourselves corresponding to the world that appears in front of us.

We have entered the direct line. Now, nature no longer changes us from the inside. It itself is beginning to change in front of us, which has never happened before. And we have to adapt to it and study it. This means we have to desire a revelation of the Creator (the Creator is nature) in order to become similar to Him or to nature, either one, it does not matter.

Comment: For me, this method makes sense. I understand that inner changes occur precisely because one studies the wisdom of Kabbalah. However, I hear that some of your students and people who are not involved in the study constantly ask “What should I do?”

You do not take the method of Kabbalah, but simply say that one has to change himself. People ask you “How can we change?” But it seems you try to divert attention from this.

My Response: No! You are the ones who do not hear what I say because your egoism does not want to hear that you have to change.

Comment: But the changes take place when one studies Kabbalah, they do not simply happen on their own.

My Response: It is not necessarily so. They occur in those who have a point in the heart. Those who do not have the point in the heart do not have to study Kabbalah at all.

In order to change, 99% of humanity has to do certain actions. They have to create an appropriate environment that will constantly tell them that they have to be mutually connected, to compromise, and to unite because this is the law of nature, that global law that today begins to manifest to a greater degree within human society.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You Didn’t Say Something” 9/3/11

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