Birth Pangs of the New World

281.01Today, new circumstances are being revealed to the world, which we must study. And we can’t because we’re made of the wrong stuff, the wrong system, and we don’t understand it. We look and don’t know what to do with it; we don’t understand the new forces and new connections.

We are shown like s a primitive man, some kind of electronic device. I can smell it, taste it on my teeth, and yet what the other is like inside, I don’t understand because here there is a completely different system, different connections, and different principles. They are not in me!

I am not adequate to the circumstance that arises in front of me today! It requires that I have the properties of bestowal, integral and global relationships, and mutual guarantee.

There is no such thing! It is all just being born. Just as I am gradually developing a method of explaining these circumstances, it is still far from the simplicity that I would like to see in it and from the kind and form when I can go out to everyone and say so, that everything becomes clear to everyone at once. I feel these birth pains in myself.

But that is how it is born! And if we go toward this mutually, each from his side, then in the end we will meet quickly.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You Didn’t Say Something” 9/3/11

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