Light Changes Human Nature

237Question: When studying Kabbalah, a person’s outlook changes. Maybe for someone it looks like pure psychology that a person adjusts himself to the influence of some force that changes him, but in fact he becomes completely different. Is that how his psychology works or, as you say, does the light change him?

Answer: It is the light! Only light!

Psychology works in our world when a person replaces one desire with another, one object of pleasure with another, and makes selfish calculations: what is better, what is worse, where will he be beaten less, where can he snatch more, and so on.

Thinking about how to get out of depression and rising above your mood, how to realize your inner natural data, how to behave with other people in order to make it better—these are purely egoistic tricks.

And light changes the very nature of man. Therefore, psychology cannot help here. It brings a person to this, helps him realize all his problems, and then he must work in a group, with light, in order to change himself.

Question: But how does it happen? What mechanism changes in a person? Where does that portion of light drip that either changes the soul or something else?

Answer: Light affects egoistic intentions that are built on the same principle as altruistic, spiritual ones, only in reverse order.

After all, before there was only a system of bestowal, and then its shattering created the opposite system—receiving. Both systems are opposite to each other, and a person must choose under which one to be influenced.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Bonded!” 3/31/12

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