Moving Away from the Automatic Fulfillment of the Commandments

533.02All the laws of Judaism are based on corrections that occur in the soul because there are 613 desires in the soul that we must correct to altruistic ones, to love one’s neighbor.

In our world, there are 613 actions called Mitzvot that you can perform automatically, without any intentions. But at the same time you seem to be in some kind of mechanical, closed, and artificially created space. It is holding you.

The people of Israel kept this everyday life for 2,000 years until our time. And now it is starting to change, specifically fading into the background. Over the past 200 years, people have become less and less religious in order to be able to accept the Kabbalistic point of view.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Phone Call. Kosher pork?” 8/17/11

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