Injection from the Creator

212Question: If the Creator completely governs everything and a person supposedly has freewill, then why does He lead us through violence and suffering?

Answer: The Creator governs us by the laws of nature. The Creator is the general force of nature in which two forces emanating from Him are opposed: bestowal and reception. A person is between them, and both properties affect him.

The question arises: how does a person develop under their influence? What is he doing? What is his freewill? How does he accumulate these two forces in himself? How does he correlate them in himself? How does he build himself out of them?

This is the entire wisdom of Kabbalah: how to receive these two forces in the right form and with their help shape yourself so as to become similar to the Creator, rise up, reach Him, and adhere to Him. The fact that He gave us the opportunity to control with the help of these two forces is our freewill!

How can we act if we do not have it? Who will we be then? Just the ones who are controlled?

Until now, we have been just the controlled ones. What does it mean? The Creator adds a little bit of egoism as if He gives you a drop of injection and releases the egoism in you a little more, and you take something upon yourself, do this and that, twist and turn. So does everyone else. He squeezes the syringe a little bit more and so on all the time until He squeezes the whole injection into you.

Right now you are filled to the limit with egoism. No more. This is why you have nowhere to escape. Where to go? What to do?

Moreover, egoism has closed and become global and integral. In the beginning we felt good because we reached egoistic global connections in the world and thought that everything would be fine. But when these connections began to depend on everyone, we turned out to be the opposite of nature. And here we have a problem: what to do about it?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Is the Creator a pervert?” 8/2/11

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