To Correct Ourselves

543.02Question: How do I stick to the feeling that everything I do not like about other people is actually positive?

Answer: Only through your inner correction. This must be corrected internally. There is no other way.

You cannot destroy qualities you do not like. Of course you can force people not to use them, to cover them up, and suppress them. But at the same time, you suppress a person’s ability to realize himself. You lose because of this.

Question: Is all the suppression and attempts to correct a person the same prison, and everything else is just useless?

Answer: According to Judaism, prison is generally prohibited. It does not correct anyone. In America, prisons are called correction centers. But what kind of correction is there?

We see that well-trained thieves, swindlers, robbers, murderers, and rapists of an even higher class come out of there. A prisoner graduated from “school,” the second imprisonment is “university,” the third one a “Ph.D.”, and so on. Why do we need this? Instead, we need to correct ourselves.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Positive qualities of a maniac” 8/18/11

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