What Will Humanity Reach Out For?

200.02Question: All professions have developed out of egoism; everyone earns from others. You offer a different way. What will humanity look like on a different plane?

Answer: The fact is that eventually humanity will join us, and will want to learn and understand a little. We will organize an educational network: a virtual, global, world university that will teach people the correct integration with each other. In it, they will immediately feel a completely different state.

Humanity will feel how it comes into harmony with nature and suddenly everything is implemented, resolved, and everything around is glowing.

People will follow those who have Kabbalistic knowledge because they will be the lights of the world, the sources of a global integral ideology and a new society. A world council of sages will be created.

But today we cannot position ourselves that way. Of course, the world’s conscience will be with those who are already at the next higher degree of development. But the question is, when will it be?

In the meantime, people need advice that will help them to feel better, to be healthier, to have more fun, and to have everything they need. Therefore when we are offering it, we must pass our understanding of a brighter future to social media.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Money of the Future” 7/16/11

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