Our Two Personal Companions

425Question: Two personal companions have been with us since ancient times: the cat and the dog. By their nature they cannot get along with each other, but living next to a person they do get along. What do they represent?

Answer: I think that the dog belongs more to the right line, although in principle it is considered an unclean animal, and the cat belongs to the left.

Dogs have been domesticated for a long time, 30,000 to 40,000 years ago, and a person keeps them because he needs them.

Cats were known in ancient Egypt as a model of worship. The Egyptians considered them wise creatures and carriers of special knowledge.

I think that in general these animals manifest themselves in the following way in our world. The dog can be corrected. It can be your friend on the right line, to protect and guard you.

But the cat cannot; it protects and guards only itself and is all about its needs. But it is necessary for a person to protect the house from rodents. The dog guards the house from the enemy. It is like a detector of everything foreign.

And although I have not found information about these animals in Kabbalistic sources, I can imagine where their roots are because they constantly accompany a person and supplement him, so to say.

For many years, dogs and cats have been neglected. It was believed that they could not be kept at home. Previously, a cow and a goat could be kept at home, and dogs and cats only in the yard, next to the house. But in our time something suddenly happened because man himself descended to the same animal level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Cat and Dog” 7/30/11

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