Money Is a Copy of Our Internal Relations

546.02Question: Kabbalah offers humanity to get rid of suffering by rising above egoism and ceasing to earn money for others. Does it mean that people will deprive themselves of the pleasure of receiving money, but will get rid of suffering?

Answer: People need money in order to feel secure in their lives, while it is normal and sufficient for an animal organism to have what is necessary for its functioning.

Money itself, especially in the next wave of the crisis, will demonstrate its failure; there can no longer be a connection between us based on it.

In principle, money is something I give you, something you give me, something one of us earns and wins at another’s expense. It is a copy of our internal relationship—what I want from you and what you want from me. This is expressed in the number of banknotes that we exchange with each other.

I come to an employer, I work for him, and I get paid; this is our relationship. It is the same in a store, in society, everywhere, even between spouses. It all is expressed in some kind of monetary equivalent because we constantly want to receive something from another person. Money is the equivalent of our egoistic efforts.

Today, however, our efforts should turn into altruistic ones, which at first can also be measured in money. I want to bestow to you. How much? This can also be measured in money. But it works in a completely different way! That is, we do not make any revolutions in the world, we do not change the current system itself. We only change the attitude of a person to what has been created.

But this change is drastic! It adds a soul to a person, that is, the quality of bestowal. In this soul, in this quality of bestowal, he begins to feel that he is on the next level, in the spiritual world.

Thus we do not go against those social systems that have been created up until today. We are only talking about changing the quality of the relationship between us. But with this we gain the next level: eternity and perfection.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Money of the Future” 7/16/11

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