Feel the Desires of Others

235Question: Why is it so difficult to feel or acquire other people’s desires?

Answer: Because we are the opposite of them! We are egoists! I cannot feel you. I do not see you at all.

I see your image the way I want to see it and immediately treat you that way because I perceive you, everything around me, and myself personally in a desire since desire is a natural material, and there is nothing else besides it.

It means that in my desire, I see your image like this, and that is it. I cannot perceive it in any other way within me! I feel you in the form in which my desires want to feel you, otherwise, you do not exist.

Question: But why is it so easy for me to become like some desire of advertising or something else, to want an iPhone or another trinket?

Answer: Because advertising plays on you. It knows in advance what image to create so that you will positively accept it. It is as if you know exactly the desire and taste of your friend, and create, say, a girl who absolutely, 100% causes admiration in him and fulfills his desire, as if you are some “Pygmalion.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To feel the Desires of Others” 7/28/11

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