How the Creator Works on A Person

294.4Question: Mark Twain said: “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”

Don’t we ever see that this is all as though within us? That is, I always see that this is him who has become wiser? And I was smart all the time.

Answer: Yes. We are amazed at the changes in other people without realizing that it is due to our changes.

Question: But sometimes it is still said that “I have matured, I have become wiser.” A person sometimes says that. Is that the right thought?

Answer: Yes.

Question: At what point does this revolution take place that I have suddenly changed?

Answer: This is the work of the Creator on man.

Question: So I am changing and the world is changing? Is this the formula?

Answer: This is the formula. But who is changing me?

Question: Does the Creator change me? In response to what? Or is it just His will?

Answer: This is in order for me to gradually determine that I am in His power, and He commands the world that only He created. And I am grateful to Him for doing all these metamorphoses with me.

Question: Am I grateful afterward? And before that, is there still hard work going on?

Answer: Of course.

Comment: In order to tell me how I grew up, how I misunderstood my father, what he was like…

My Response: No, it wasn’t you who misunderstood. It was the Creator who guided you through all these states. That is why you have become smarter.

Question: So as a result, as Mark Twain wrote about his father, I am saying the same thing about the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: So, when I got smarter, I realized that You are good and doing good. But until it happens…

My Response: It doesn’t matter. After all, a person reaches such a state when he dies. And then he understands, realizes.

Question: Who is he? You said, “A person dies and then you say, “He understands and realizes.”

Answer: A man, in his soul.

Comment: But he’s dead.

My Response: And what does it mean that he died?

Question: What do you mean he died? You said, “A person dies and then understands.”

Answer: And then he understands and realizes what it means that the Creator has guided him through all the states of this life.

Question: And who is he who understands?

Answer: A man.

Comment: But he’s already gone. He’s dead.

My Response: That he was buried or burned? So what?

Question: And where is he, the man?

Answer: Spirit. This is the man.

Question: So, it is immortal, this spirit?

Answer: Of course.

Question: You are saying that there is an eternal part in a person that feels everything, goes through everything, and it only?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And this shell, this body?

Answer: You can bury it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/1/23

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