Responsibility for the World

254.02Question: You currently spend a lot of time explaining the principles of Kabbalah in an easy way. Rabash did not need to descend to the level of other people, he just talked and that is it. How different was the language of his explanations from the one you are using for us now?

Answer: You receive the material in a much more systematized way. Every day I give you a huge amount of information, which is more and more chewed over, adapted, and presented in different aspects. You have no idea what you possess!

Rabash was very stingy with words. There are recordings of his lessons and recordings of his conversations with me. You can listen to them and see to what extent it was in unfinished hints. By the way, he wrote amazingly, but could not express himself in spoken form.

Question: How did you manage for such a long time without knowing so many things, without attainment?

Answer: There was no way out! This is what I was born for! What is there in life besides this?

And how does a hard-working person manage when he is responsible for his family?

I have a different responsibility; I was given the opportunity to learn from a great Kabbalist, to gain everything I could from him in order to become his follower. This is a huge responsibility. And it sets you up, alerts, and mobilizes you.

At the same time, I did not feel any self-importance, but the importance of the mission itself was more or less clear to me. Therefore, I pursued only one goal—to absorb from the teacher all I could. Of course, there were also very bad times when I weakened and neglected him. I had to go through everything. That is how I worked. But of course, from above you receive strength, opportunities, conditions, and properties.

How can you refuse such an important task if you feel the significance of your mission at least in some way? I had no other choice.

And now I do not have one student. I have a group, the world group, which is my collective student. It includes everybody as separate parts. Like in a living person, there are legs and arms, parts close to the soul and remote from its inner attainment, gross parts of the body and more subtle ones, so is the world group. And everyone is needed.

That is how I treat everyone. I just pass information trying to fill everyone. We will live and see what happens in the end. But I have no other choice, and I cannot choose one person although there are students who are closer to me, those with whom I work.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Teacher” 5/7/11

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