The Wise Father

632.3Question: Is it possible to say that the Creator plunged Himself into a state in which He perceives Himself as a creation?

Answer: No. All creations, in fact, are in one single, absolute, perfect state. In order for the creation to attain the Creator, it goes through all kinds of phases, which are called “exile,” so that they can attain from these phases of concealment, exile, and darkness the state they actually are in.

This can be compared to the way I deliberately make faces for my child as if I am angry, happy, suffering, or passionate about something in order to evoke all kinds of reactions in him, and he will begin to understand me better and develop.

Look at how many toys we invent, how many methods, not for the bodily development of children, but for their intellectual development. After all, if we did not do this, they would remain at the animate level as if they had been abandoned in a forest. How much humanity invests in kindergartens, schools, and education; this is a huge world!

All this is only in order to pull up a child who is born like a piece of meat, like an animal, and give him development. In just a few years, he goes through amazing revolutions inside himself and becomes a person who understands not what we understand, but more than that!

Can you imagine what is inherent in us from the very beginning?! What potential! All this is only thanks to the correct attitude to children.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Who is the Creator?” 10/27/12

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