Envy The Good

962.6Comment: Usually people envy each other with standard egoistic envy.

My Response: What do you want from people?! They need to be educated. Today, in the 21st century, they are at the same level of development as 10,000 years ago. At absolutely the same level! Their inner potential, their inner attitude to “I and the world” did not change, but only became worse, more egoistic.

Who do you consider to be human? A creature that can press buttons on a phone, work with text messages, or something else like that? What has changed in him? His attitude to the world? No! Only the toys he uses have changed.

But he himself is a consumer-egoist, an all-hater. His attitude to everything and the world around him became much worse.

We need to transform evil egoism into good. Good egoism is based on the fact that I envy the positive qualities of others and want to be like them.

I thank them for giving me a good example and helping me with this. I will beg them, and they will help me pull myself up.

I do not envy the fact that someone has become rich, smart, and knowledgeable. To the contrary! I want to be like them, and with the help of this, I advance.

I understand egoists who want everyone to be worse than them. But, in principle, this is the smallest, most undeveloped egoism.

Big, fruitful, and correctly implemented egoism is when you envy the good. And as much as possible!

As we say in the group: we must envy our friends. I have to think that they are the biggest, and I am nobody and nothing. Then everything starts to burn in me! Not because I want to bring them all down, criticize and erase them, but because then I can pull myself up to them.

They may be very small, as in the example of Rabbi Yossi Ben Kisma, but I can advance. This is what is important to me. Because no one knows who he is. In fact, his height is from here to the world of infinity. Each and everyone’s!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Protection from the Evil Eye” 7/9/11

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