When Does the Line Turn into a Sphere?

275Today, society itself is everything; it is becoming self-sufficient. Therefore, the question is how to form this society so as not to let it develop spontaneously.

A lot of work has been done for a long time by special services and various organizations that sit in public networks and process an integral virtual community in all languages through thousands of methods known and unknown to them. Everyone knows and understands this.

But still, no one knows or understands what this society should be and what path it will take.

On one hand, all governments and intelligence agencies are busy working in cyberspace. But they work the same way like a pipe that enters a sphere and tries to influence it with its linear laws. It will not last long. They will see, nevertheless, that they are not achieving anything.

As we study in the second part of TES “The Interaction of a Line and a Circle,” the integrality of a sphere, with some kind of influence on it, can be when the line itself takes the quality of a sphere.

The line can affect the sphere only when it teaches or causes the quality of bestowal in this sphere. After all, the sphere itself, i.e., society, humanity, locked into an integral system, is a global, analog device working together, and is closed within itself in everything and throughout. Therefore, it will be possible to influence humanity only in this way.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spiritual Internet” 7/16/11

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