Restoration of the General Organism

275Comment: You say that the entire world is within a person, but I perceive myself as existing outside of you.

My Response: Of course! I perceive you that way too, although I know with certainty that it is all within me. But I address you as someone existing outside of myself.

But I have no complaints about your external self. If I want to change something, it is not you that I should change, take a screwdriver or pliers to, to get inside you and start tinkering or rewiring. No! I should change myself. Then you, as an external reflection of some internal image of mine, will change as well.

Question: How do you change all this?

Answer: Only by rising above egoism with love can these desires be united together and directed toward a common center within me. In principle, it is done like this: I try to feel your desires and influence them so that they become better.

Question: Isn’t this just psychology where you artificially justify another person?

Answer: No, if I justify there will be nothing for me to correct. I must reveal my true actions in this.

Question: Suppose you see a desire outside of yourself and perceive it. How do you change it within yourself? How does this process happen? How do you see the changed reflection?

Answer: I simply see that there is complete internal convergence with this desire. We unite in thoughts, feelings, understanding, and decisions. We become like one entity helping each other.

These two desires, yours and mine, are different in their origin. That is, at the starting point you have certain desires and I have others, but externally in their implementation they become similar, and we work together in perfect harmony.

If two people already in a spiritual state, meaning a Kabbalist with a Kabbalist, are engaged in correcting desires, then their joint work goes against the rest of uncorrected desires. They create dipoles, tripoles, and quadripoles, and begin to function as a joint organism. And thus, it is as if they are being rebuilt.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Unreal Reality” 6/27/11

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