Coming to Harmony with Nature

002Comment: You say that it is very important that the method of correction be revealed to the world as widely as possible.

My Response: I believe there is no other solution! We must put everyone behind the school desk. Everyone must study! Those who society needs to work should work a little; that is all!

We need to stop the predatory emptying of the bowels of the earth. Stop making toys that no one needs, all these jewels, all this nonsense. We need to produce only what is necessary for existence. Stop the consumer society! Just shake it off from ourselves! It only bogs us down deeper into the predatory squandering of everything we have.

All researchers say that the earth is being depleted. Oil, gas, various metals, and other materials will last only for the next few years. Where will we go next?!

The economy should not be built on developing itself, not in producing more; it should be built in order to give everyone a good minimum standard of living. If at the same time we adapt ourselves to nature, we will suddenly find huge reserves for eternal existence in it; we will have enough of everything. We just need to come to harmony with nature.

Question: But the more we develop, the more we suffer. Does it make a person change somehow?

Answer: The more you move, the more you suffer because you think that as a result of the movement you will gain something.

Just like the phrase from Faust, “Stop, moment, you are wonderful,” I want to stay in this moment, not because it is beautiful, but because if I stop, I will find that it is beautiful.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Saving the World” 5/28/11

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