Implementation of Spiritual Information

234Question: You say that you give us information and the rest is our work. What is the implementation of this information?

Answer: You must annul yourself before the teacher as much as possible in order to take his advice and instructions and follow them the way he tells you to in the group and in the study. That is it! Nothing else.

Additional work is dissemination. By disseminating the Kabbalistic methodology in the world, you receive from the world its desires, its emptiness, and thus you raise them. You are excited by the world and its striving forward and by the lack of its ability to be fulfilled.

That is, dissemination is also of great importance. But, in principle, the priorities are arranged as follows: the teacher, then the group, and together with the teacher and the group, study with books.

By correctly implementing this in yourself, you awaken the hidden force in nature that develops, corrects, creates, and animates everything—the force of bestowal and love called the Creator or light.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. I am Giving You Everything!!!” 7/22/11

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