Exchange of Spiritual Energy

235Comment: You say that the transmission of information through vision is more effective than through hearing. But you cannot visually show spirituality, so you convey this information to us orally, as if you paint it through words.

My Response: I transmit information orally and try to evoke adequate sensations in people.

Question: I am looking for the correct combination of picture and sound. You said that certain melodies can create a sensation that is closer to a spiritual experience. Is it possible to convey this with a visual image?

Answer: And with an image it is possible. But it is not the same.

The main transmission of spiritual information occurs on the shared screen between the student and the teacher, which is known as “mouth to mouth.”

“Mouth” does not refer to lips. The mouth refers to the place where the head, the thoughts, of the spiritual Partzuf, ends in our spiritual image. When the thoughts of the teacher and the student fully coincide in the mutual exchange of information, energy, and fulfillment, then the direct transmission of authentic information occurs, if they are connected together at least in some common volume.

This informational explosion, which is felt by each of the individuals connecting in this way, is that special state we need to reach. If we come to this, we will attain the full manifestation of the upper force (the Creator) that will fill us with absolute knowledge, energy, pleasure, and eternal existence.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Secret of Hearing and Vision” 6/27/11

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