A Cup of Blessing

622.02Comment: In the article “The Rose” in the Introduction of The Book of Zohar, it is said that the rose is a cup of blessing, which indicates the extension of five Hassadim within her five Gevurot, and so on.

My Response: When Baal HaSulam writes commentary on this article, he gradually descends from the level of the Creator to the level of creation and begins to explain how the lower souls are arranged and how they perceive the influence of the Creator on them.

For example, the article says that the cup must be raised with both hands and then held in the right hand with five fingers when the blessings are pronounced. Therefore, in our world, it is customary to bless the wine.

These examples explain that the blessing with which you should turn to the Creator should consist of five qualities: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut. They should be connected together. As one hand connects five fingers, so you should take a cup of wine and, raise it, bless the Creator for giving you such an opportunity.

Question: Why should the cup be held in the right hand?

Answer: In spirituality, there is a right side and a left side. The right is good and the left is evil. Therefore, it is necessary to pronounce blessings while holding the cup in your right hand.

Question: What do we need these actions in our world? Why do this if we are talking about some great, inner things?

Answer: In our world, everything comes down to simple tradition. But in fact, these are very deep actions with which we awaken the upper governance.

In principle, if a person understands what he is doing, he can awaken certain forces upon his desires and thus correct himself.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 6/4/23

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