Without Preference

530Question: When you work with students, do you invest in those in whom you see potential and do not invest in someone who does not have it at all?

Answer: This is not quite true. In no case do I rob anyone, and I do not take away the possibility of realization from anyone. I give everyone the maximum and do not prefer one over the other.

Eventually, those who are moving forward get closer to me spiritually, but those who are standing still do not.

I can be closer or further to a person in our work and in dissemination because I work more with people who translate, process, and make films than with others.

But, in principle, I have no preference for anyone even if it is my own son or son-in-law, who are also within our organization. No way! I have no right! And I think everyone can see it.

Question: Do you not give preference even when you pass spiritual information to a person? You said that Rabash gave you so much light so that in the future you could use it and reveal it.

Answer: But I worked with him, studied, served him, did everything just to get this charge from him, this strength, this opportunity to somehow change myself.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman ‘s Favorites” 7/6/11

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