Why Is the Human Level Called the Speaking Level?

238.01Question: What is the function of issuing spiritual information through sound? What is this property?

Answer: This is a human property because a person is at a speaking level (Dargat a-Medaber).

If in other languages this level is called walking upright or thinking, then in Hebrew it is called speaking, because Bina de Arich Anpin descended from the head (Rosh) of this system into its body (Guf), into the executive part, and there formed a property called Garon, throat. All changes take place in it, and from there the upper light descends upon us.

A person who receives his spiritual power from there, and therefore this level is called a speaker.

If you start to carefully study what is written in the primary sources about how we express ourselves through the throat apparatus, you will be amazed at how there are all kinds of small intricate tools driven by our thoughts, feelings, and subconscious, which are launched from within us, simply through the way we communicate with each other.

Virtually all of our communication takes place through this gross apparatus. Some strings, membranes, stretch and vibrate there, which form a rough vibration of the air. But this vibration is launched from a very high matter, from the head (Rosh), and very wisely, very directly.

The essence of a person is expressed precisely through the throat, in which there is a connection with our inner image. Therefore, “speaking man” is the correct expression. Not walking straight or obliquely and not looking forward, but namely, it is the ability to express himself in communication with others through the vocal apparatus, which is directly connected with our inner essence.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Voice Telepathy” 1/23/11

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