Reach Your Star

276.02Question: In the group we play at loving each other, as if we are working for the bestowal. But there is some limit where it collapses. What should be the elements that link the group?

Answer: To ascend and acquire the upper world, there must necessarily be mutual irritation, mutual elevation of the goal and its importance, and mutual awareness of the worthlessness of this life and the attitude to it as a necessary existence for the revelation of the Creator. This is all that the group must give to a person.

Comment: But one who has tasted spirituality can no longer escape from it.

My Response: This is a Reshimo (spiritual informational record), not a drug habit when you cannot escape because you get pleasure.

There is no pleasure here, but there is your inner Reshimo (informational data), which you must realize by moving to the root of your soul from where it descended. This is required of you.

In fact, you are drawn to your star. It is from it, out of billions and billions of stars through the whole cosmos, that a ray comes to you, and pulls you back. And you cannot do anything, you must follow it. Everything else is an auxiliary element that will help you climb this ray.

Comment: Meaning, there is no such option of tasting it and running away.

My Response: No because your root is there! In the material world, you have only its point, the smallest Reshimo. But a thread connects you with that particular state, with that star. You must reach it! Only there is your eternal, perfect, permanent existence!

And in our world, you are like on a business trip. You still have to go up there. There is your home! Therefore, there is no drug addiction here.

You just must do it yourself from the inside. You, on the contrary, are thrown away and told: “Go away. You are not needed. If you want to advance, pay well with your participation, with your service.” And you do it because it is important for you to reach the root of your soul. It is important to you.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Star”

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