How Can You Feel the Force of Pleasure?

527.03Question: In filling the desires of another person, how do I sense them?

Answer: You feel yourself and the other as one, that there is nothing closer to you. Everything personal, which you used to consider your “I,” disappears from your feeling as completely extraneous, unimportant, and like an animal living next to you, no more.

Question: How can one imagine this if a person’s egoism becomes stronger and stronger?

Answer: Egoism grows precisely so that you use it to connect more and more with someone who is outside of you. The more egoism shows you how far you are from each other, the more you have a great opportunity to overcome it with the help of the power of light, the upper force, to get closer to the other and be filled through him.

After all, when you fill a loved one, you fill yourself more than you fill him because you do it in spite of your egoism. In this way you feel the full power of fulfillment on yourself.

This is similar to how electricity passes through resistance: if the resistance is great, then the electricity passing through it generates more power. The greater the resistance, the greater the voltage. This tension is the pleasure that you feel.

Question: But is it not painful?

Answer: It is a delight!

Question: Is there really a transition to love beyond the egoistic hatred of one person for another?

Answer: Yes, the minus changes to a plus, and instead of hatred, there is huge love, and instead of rejection, there is pleasure.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Pleasure?” 2/21/11

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