Combining Two Approaches Within Myself

760.4Question: Everything comes from the Creator. But it could have been better, right?

Answer: If there was no freewill, you would say: “That is it, I am going ahead. Let it be as it will be.” This is a kind of philosophy based on the fact that nothing can be done, everything goes by nature, and we will use it. That is, we will act where it is better because we still do not know the laws of nature.

Kabbalah teaches that there is freewill; we can shorten our path of suffering and turn it into pleasure. Then why should we act limply or wantonly?

The fact is that an ordinary person cannot combine two approaches to life: on the one hand, there is none else besides the Creator and He controls everything, and on the other hand, everyone must say, “Everything depends on me, I control everything.”

So, who, after all, is in control? The solution is very simple, although it does not fit in our head because we only work in one world. We cannot work in two worlds or at the junction between them. This requires the creation of new feelings in us.

In order to combine both approaches within oneself, it is necessary to reach a state where a person at the beginning of any action says: “If I am not for me, who is for me?” i.e., everything depends on me.

And after he has completed some action, he is obliged to say: “All this was originally planned, decided, established, and executed by the Creator, and my actions did not give anything. Even if I did not do them, I would still achieve the same result.”

This is impossible for us to understand. We do not have qualities from two-dimensional space. By two-dimensional, we mean our existence in two dimensions. We are only in one dimension, ours, and therefore we cannot combine these concepts within ourselves.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Free Will?” 3/16/11

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