Erasing the Past

276.03Question: All states come from the Creator. But knowing this, how do we avoid falling into indifference due to this lack of strength. Let’s say I understand that what I’ve done in the past comes from the Creator, then why would I torture myself?

Answer: Yes, you are torturing yourself. Like in the Ilf and Petrov book The Twelve Chairs: you steal and blush. But what should you do? Not steal and not blush, but forget everything that happened before today.

If starting from today you will clearly observe the aspiration forward, you will not be pulled back into nostalgia, and you will not eat yourself up for the useless years you have lived.

Comment: But in this way you can fall into indifference.

My Response: No. It is the striving forward that will help you not look back at everything mean and vile with which you filled your life before you began to study the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Erasing the Past” 1/22/11

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