Beauty Imposed from the Outside

600.01Question: What is beauty?

Answer: What we consider beauty is a completely wrong idea imposed on us by society.

Having been born, we begin to develop under the influence of the world around us, which imposes on us all sorts of concepts: this is good, this is bad, this is necessary, this is not necessary, look how beautiful, how good, and so on.

This is how we were brought up by the school, the environment, parents, the media, everything around. Therefore, we do not have our own personal, specific definition of beauty.

In principle, beauty is what suits and impresses me in accordance with my biological and inner spiritual form. That is beautiful for me.

For example, if we ask a hippopotamus what is most beautiful, he will say: “Look at this female. What a beauty. What a body, what shapes, what a small tail she has, how touchingly it sways and excites me.”

For him, this is considered the standard of beauty because this is how his hormones work. But this is his and is not imposed on him from the outside!

Therefore, there is no concept of absolute beauty in our world. We see that each era has its own standards of beauty.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Beauty” 1/9/11

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The Beauty That Has Been Imposed On Us
Let’s Talk About Beauty
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