The Beauty That Has Been Imposed On Us

626Question: A very interesting law has been passed in Norway. It prohibits the publication on social networks—on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter—of retouched images without special marking.

So if a blogger alters a picture, changes the proportions of the body, face, improves its appearance, applies a filter or mask, which they do all the time, then they must note the editing done.

The goal here is very simple: to combat the imposition of unrealistic beauty standards. Because children who are watch these are influenced by them. They get plastic surgery; they want to be like the photo! In fact what they see is fiction. How can a person come to the conclusion that this does not affect him or her, to an understanding of another kind of beauty?

Answer: This is impossible, a person is drawn to beauty.

Comment: But this is not beauty.

My Response: If this is set by society as a standard, then it becomes a standard of beauty.

Comment: But you want the person to walk differently.

My Response: I have other standards of beauty. I love beauty that is more delicate, more natural, harmonious. But when there is an unnatural face and pouting lips on it, it’s a horror!

Question: But still, I want to ask even more deeply about inner beauty. Will we ever come to understand it?

Answer: Our society is so far from this that I just have no idea how to talk about it. This must come through great revolutions.

Question: If, for example, I come to the understanding that inner beauty is much more important than everything external, do I notice this external beauty in a person?

Answer: You still remain human.

Question: So I still have an internal mark—is he a handsome person?

Answer: Yes. Moreover, you have even more subtle taste. You have an even greater need to see harmony in everything. Your beauty already lies in harmony. And if you see harmony, then you enjoy it.

Question: What is the inner beauty of a person for you? What is it?

Answer: The inner beauty of a person is when he sees the possibility of justice and even good, but at least justice, in everything around him, when everything is balanced according to the spiritual law “buy and sell,” that is, the law of receiving and giving.

Question: An internally beautiful person feels the absolute harmony of everything that exists around him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And there is no evil?

Answer: Nothing! He puts himself in line with the Creator! And nothing can be bad, dirty, or disgusting. Everything is in perfect harmony. Because he sees not an external manifestation, but a force that controls all of creation from within.

Comment: It is beautiful that the spiritual also reflects the material. I thought that a person no longer pays attention to anything. And you say the opposite.

My Response: No! Moreover, it is written that when approaching complete correction, the taste of copulation and the understanding of beauty remain only with Kabbalists. This is very difficult.

Question: So only Kabbalists can truly enjoy both materially and internally?

Answer: Yes. They see this as the work of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 9/2/21

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