To the Extent of Similarity to the Qualities of Light

509Kabbalah is a method of attracting the upper force that changes you and raises you to the degree at which you can feel it. As Baal HaSulam said, “And only what you reveal, you and no one else will reveal.”

People are always trying to retell all this as if one can convey something in words. There is no way! No electrodes and signals can do anything.

It is impossible to connect to the next informational level by any science, because the information is in a different form there, in the form of light. And there are no physical adapters of light that would sense it at our level, you have to create them.

To create them is to “become similar.” To the extent that you are similar to the qualities of light, you begin to connect to this field and receive energy, information from it—everything that is in it, its perception.

Therefore, there is nothing but an internal change of a person!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. I Am a Mirror for Others” 6/9/12

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