Gradual Entry into the Wisdom of Kabbalah

962.7Comment: Due to the growing popularity of Kabbalah and the development of the Bnei Baruch organization, there are many views on how to classify it. Some consider it as a cult. For example, it is considered that it offers you the exact recipe for success and happiness, just for you.

My Response: There is nothing personal or “just for you” in Kabbalah. It can only be for everyone because the universe is common, unified, and there can be no happiness for one.

Comment: According to the classification of cults, the first meeting opens up a completely new way of looking at things for people.

My Response: No, this is not the case in Kabbalah. By starting to study it, you are just beginning to realize that you are facing something radically new. But what exactly it is, you do not understand.

It takes a lot of time for a person to get into it. First he must prepare his senses and expand them. He must begin to work for bestowal, and then in this acquired quality, he will begin to feel the upper world that we are talking about.

The upper world is the world that is felt in our altruistic desires. While I do not have them, I do not reveal anything. I just feel that it is really something special: big, deep, and ancient. But this impression is very general. It may be incorrect. After all, all of it is individual.

Comment: When a person feels something unusual in Kabbalah, let’s say he checks some things in life.

My Response: No, these are not spiritual, but all kinds of personal psychological impressions, which he often has when confronted with something new—terrible or beautiful, it doesn’t matter what. This is not Kabbalah.

How can a person who has just started studying, at the first impression feel and understand what Kabbalah is?! It is not from our world at all. Therefore first he must see that there is a huge, ancient wisdom embedded in it. Maybe the first time he does not understand something, but instead he simply feels that this is not mysticism and not divination, i.e., it is absolutely nothing that he has read about anywhere else.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalah about Cults” 12/18/13

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