The Best Gift

630.2Question: What kind of gifts should we give to a friend?

Answer: Show him such signs of attention that he understands that you are doing this for the sake of advancing with him to the Creator, to rise together with him.

It can be any kind of gift, expensive or cheap, small, just some kind of token of attention, completely immaterial and insubstantial. It does not matter.

Question: What is the best gift for you?

Answer: I do not need anything material. There is nothing that I would like. The best thing is when the student understands what kind of work I want to see from him and performs it. This is all.

Question: Should he get feedback that this is exactly what you need?

Answer: Yes, I will tell him.

Question: But can you tell him the exact opposite so that the person will not be proud?

Answer: As a rule, I say that I really need it, and I am not lying or flirting. He should be next to me, feel, or even ask me when I need something, for example, to translate something, put together or correct something from the material that the world needs. Nothing else!

If a student wants to please me, he himself must succeed in his advancement, which means to be a teacher, organize groups, and engage in dissemination.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Best Gift for Laitman” 12/21/13

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Gift for a Kabbalist
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Demonstration Of Love

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