An Eye for an Eye or Turn the other Cheek?

547.05Comment: Irina writes: “Can you explain this law written in the Torah from which, in my opinion, all the troubles come: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”? She thinks that all troubles come from this.

My Response: I do not think so. How else can you bring people together and give them a proper understanding of their mutual connection?

Comment: Apparently, Irina thinks: “Do not respond.” Do not show that when you were hit, you hit back—an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. So, you hit, and I do not respond.

My Response: You simply misunderstand the nature of man. Because if a person’s nature is egoistic, then only in this way can he be taught.

The world is developing this way for a reason—in continuous wars. People are gradually learning this. I think we are close to realizing that since we are egoists, the absolute law of action and reaction can be applied to us. An eye for an eye. And so we will act until we realize that we do not need an eye or a tooth, but we just need to treat each other correctly.

Question: So “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” leads to the fact that we will abandon this law? Is that what it exists for?

Answer: Yes. Because, in fact, this is the law of absolute nature, the correct nature. The one who takes must give as much and even more in order to learn next time not to hit first, not to harm.

Question: Because he will be afraid that he will be hit back?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And this is a natural law. We went through this as children. I hit someone, someone hits me back, then I understood that next time I would not hit.

You said, “It will lead to another law.” What will this law “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” lead to?

Answer: It is already said in the Bible that people will not raise a sword against people.

Question: And what will be the result?

Answer: Everyone will limit himself to the fact that he will not demand anything from another and will not give anything to another. Everyone will try to find the right solution to any conflict.

Comment: The law of Sodom was “What is mine is mine, what is yours is yours.”

My Response: That is why it did not work.

Comment: You just said something like this: “I will not rise against you, I will not fight with you, what is mine is mine, and what is yours is yours.”

My Response: No, it was not even possible to give to each other there. Meaning, any connection was denied—both bad and good. You have no right to approach anyone else, to give or to take.

Question: Yes. Not even to a beggar—no one. Do not host anyone in your home. You live, and he lives. And there is a gap between us. Was the whole destruction of Sodom because of this?

Answer: It is necessary to teach people that this is also forbidden.

Question: Then what is the correct law that we are coming to? After all these “An eye for an eye,” “What is mine is mine, what is yours is yours,” what is the right law that we will all come to?

Answer: “What is yours is yours, and what is mine is yours.”

Comment: This is a hard rule! Impossible!

I understand; Baal HaSulam, the great Kabbalist, wrote that we will come to such a state that “What is yours is yours, what is mine is yours,” and you believe in it very much. But this is absolute fiction for a person.

My Response: This is the nature of the spiritual degree.

Question: When there is only bestowal and nothing in return?

Answer: Nothing. And I am not asking for anything because the global force of nature called the Creator stands on the fulfillment of this law. If we want it to be fulfilled, then this force, the Creator, will manifest between us. He is just waiting for this desire from us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/13/22

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