Why Does a Person Doubt?

79.02Question: Some researchers postulated that when a person is in doubt, it deprives him of balance and puts them in disharmony. The researchers found that when people were asked if they often doubt their decisions, most of the people answered affirmatively: either they thought a lot and had doubts before making any decision, or they had doubts but tried to rely on their intuition.

Why does a person doubt? Is constant doubt depriving him of harmony?

Answer: Doubts are a characteristic feature of a person and indicate that he really feels the present and the future and does not agree with such feelings. He still lacks additional feelings. An animal practically has no doubts, but a person lives all the time in a state of doubts and validations.

Question: Is it good that he is constantly in this state?

Answer: This is a sign of his development.

Question: Can doubt be imagined as a state in which a person can get stuck?

Answer: This is already problematic and may be a sign of a lack of information or internal disturbance in awareness, in decisions, and in feeling oneself, the world, and so on. There are many related problems here.

Therefore, there is no real harmony. But it is possible to somehow imagine it in a limited form. That is, to understand that my problem is getting as close to harmony as possible.

Question: Does it help to achieve harmony when people try to think less and listen to intuition more?

Answer: If you try not to think at all, then there will be complete harmony.

Comment: But people say, “I’m trying,” so they are probably not very successful in it.

Answer: Yes, of course, this is a problem—to think less. Many would like to since there are so many medications associated with this condition. In general, of course, this is a disease, it is part of a big problem for humanity.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/18/22

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