Main Thing—Contact

587.03Question: The Mishnah, which dates back to the 3rd to 5th centuries AD, describes various types of relationships: “mine is mine and yours is yours,” “mine is yours and yours is mine,” etc.

“Mine is yours, yours is yours” is a righteous man and “mine is mine and yours is mine” is a sinner. But the worst is when “mine is mine, and yours is yours.” Why?

Answer: Because it pushes people away from each other and does not connect them together even with negative qualities. And since they have no way to understand the relationship between them, all that is left is to reject them. At the same time, they make the world freeze and do allow it to come to any common state.

Question: It turns out that even the state of “mine is mine and yours is mine” is more advanced?

Answer: As a result, it leads to a rapprochement.

Remark: This is difficult to understand.

My Comment: No, we can see it in families. While the couple are figuring things out and even fighting, there is contact and communication between them. And in families where they decide that’s it, no mutual contacts, nothing can be done. They move away from each other, and therefore a divorce is necessary.

Remark: This means that nature’s trend is that we are developing toward greater rapprochement and connection; therefore any kind of contact is welcome.  Indifference and rejection are naturally against nature.

My Comment: Yes. The main thing is contact and then its correct implementation.
From KabTV’s “Communication skills” 7/30/20

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