The Best Hours of Life!

962.3Comment: In the article “The Last Generation,” Baal HaSulam writes that when the majority of people in the world will be in the quality of bestowal, in the quality of the Creator, then people will stop communicating at all, meaning talking.

My Response: They will communicate in a different way, at the level of thought. Their thoughts will be transmitted to each other. People will express themselves more concretely, more conventionally, and concisely.

Question: You and your teacher spent a lot of time together. Did you talk a lot or were you silent more?

Answer: He answered only if I asked, and if I did not ask, he was silent. We spent a lot of time with our eyes closed and not saying anything to each other. These were the best hours!

Question: So you could not just start talking about something with him?

Answer: I could. But I understood that it had to be something serious.

Question: In principle, is this the way to relate to everyone? If there is something to talk about, then talk only about serious things or it is better to be silent. Is this your advice?

Answer: Yes. This is the right attitude toward time, toward the world, toward everything.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/23/22

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