Preparation for Freewill

49.01Question: Let’s say artificial intelligence cannot exist independently and invent things. It can think everything through very professionally, but it’s all already embedded in its program. It will never have any independent solution, just a program.

And how do we differ from artificial intelligence, from this program? What is not embedded in us so that we can implement it ourselves? And how is that even possible?

Answer: Apart from light, we have everything. Light is the power of bestowal and love, which we do not have initially, and which, through acting on us, causes its own properties in us. We become its bearers, possessors of another power. After all, in addition to the egoistic power to receive, which is in us, another power (or property) to bestow arises in us.

Question: It turns out that in any case we are programmed?

Answer: Sure. Absolutely programmed! When my teacher looked at me, he saw my whole future. Where is Wolf Messing before him?!

Question: But where is the feeling as if you have realized it yourself, and not that the Creator introduced you into these states so that you would come to attain the spiritual?

Answer: Aren’t you now in the same mechanism,  the same matrix?! Aren’t they playing with you now?

It seems to you that you are experiencing it, you are free, and you do anything. And they twist you around here in every way, they make you lie here, do something else there, put some kind of trick here, do a good deed there.

This is how they twist you to take you through all kinds of states and thus hatch all kinds of new sensations in you, so that you analyze everything, feel it, gain experience and are able to be aware, understand who and what, and are ready for free will.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. See What Doesn’t Exist” 8/30/13

Related Material:
The Opportunity to Gain Freewill
Free Will Is Above Desire
Free Will: What Is It?

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