Man Is a Collective Creation

425Question: You explained that in the process of studying Kabbalah, a person goes through experiences where the left line constantly opens up and it is necessary to overcome it all the time. What holds a person? What keeps him from leaving?

Answer: The level of development. Of course, you can go somewhere to the village and live an ordinary life, or become a railway caretaker—20 km there, 20 km here, check the rails, tighten the nuts on the sleepers.

Can you live this way? There you have no Internet or newspapers, only radio. You sit and listen to something. That’s all. In exchange, you have a quiet, good life.

You will develop a small vegetable garden around you plus a salary; from a passing train you will sometimes be dropped the products you ordered. You will live quietly away from everyone. What could be better? Walk through the woods with a gun, fish in the lake, listen to the birds singing. What’s wrong? Why can’t you limit yourself to this?

Comment: First, it is a separation from other people.

My Response: Why do you need other people? What do they give you? Look at what’s going on here, will you? Why do you need to sit in this “dumpster”?

You just can’t do it any other way. Not because you didn’t grow up in a gatehouse, but because according to your inner development you can no longer live in such a state. This is how nature develops you.

Look at what is being done with cities. In one century, the population of a city with a million inhabitants has grown to 20 – 30 million, and there is no limit to this.

Today, a person cannot live away from others. This is how the program of creation is specially designed to force people to connect so that they work together on their common egoism in the right connection with each other and use the method of influence of the upper light to correct themselves.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Careful, Kabbalah” 10/19/13

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